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Join HD for FREE and dive into a world of Happy!

Enjoy the explore and share-fest in the dictionary section of the site and then use the My HD member page like a personal diary where you can store inner thoughts and strategies.

You: I’ve forgotten all those great thoughts I had the other day. And now I’m having one of those weeks, and I need to reboot and get back to my happy place.

HD: I’m here ready and waiting whenever you need me. Let’s do this. Team YOU Unleashed ;)

  1. Submit your own happy words to HD which can be added to the site and will be credited with your username as your contribution
  2. Submit links to HD affirmations, songs, mantras, images, videos, quotes … Share what you’ve learned and learn more!
  3. Create your own Portrait Page saturated with happy words and references.
  4. Create your own Focus Items including a Grateful List, Mission Statement, Primary Question and Goals Timeline.
  5. Create a list of your Favourite Things and Top Feel Good Now Activities
  6. Keep track of your contributions to HD and Make Notes
  7. Relish having all of the above at your fingertips when inspiration strikes.
  8. Relish no longer having to scramble (through your old notes or that pearl of wisdom you scribbled on the back of a receipt and stuck in the side pocket of the car and is now covered in goo and unreadable) when collating new goals, making the most of personal development activities or thinking through big decisions. All your core principles and chronicled inner wisdom are sitting on your personal page (My HD) waiting to leap out to inspire and reassure you.
  9. Enjoy rediscovering your star sign, and completing two illuminating personality tests that will help inform potential new directions.
  10. And remember:
    Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it.
    (Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love)
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